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Learn modern Nuxt from beginner to advanced

This course / reference dives deep into Nuxt, starting at the beginning. It is continuously updated and jam packed with theory, tutorials, examples and interactive projects. Whether you read it front to back or just use it as a reference, it's sure to improve your Nuxt skills.

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⚡️ Interactive challenges

Throughout the course you will get intermittent StackBlitz projects with assignments to complete to test your knowledge. This keeps you engaged and solidifies your learning.

🛠️ 5+ full project builds

After getting through the basic theory, there are multiple full project builds using various technologies, Nuxt modules and cover a wide scope of application features.

🕥 Lifetime updates

The Learn Nuxt project will be maintained indefinitely and continuously updated with fresh information. This may be new Nuxt features, more advanced topics or another project.

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Free and Open

Since November 12, 2023. Learn Nuxt is a free and open source site. Making it possible for Nuxt'ers all around the world to share valuable content with a simple GitHub Pull Request. This decision was made because Nuxt already provides such a great amount of information through their own work, making this a paid site did not feel like the way to go.

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